Sunday 7 December 2014

Feedback evaluation.

My feedback questions were mainly things that I had already thought about. The only thing that I think will be hard to pursue is the colour scheme, this is because of how it is usually presented. My colours are red black and white, these colours are usually used to represent rap or hip hop. This is because they're known as powerful and sharp colours to match the music genre.
This may cause problems, to control this I have came up with a 'back up' colour scheme; this being red, black and pink. I realise that I have only changed one colour but I believe that the pink will calm the idea of sharp music and balance out to make it pop.

Friday 5 December 2014

Magazine proposal feedback questions.

Q. What's your unique selling point?
A. The colours don't usually represent pop music, but I can adjust the way the media see it.

Q. Why have you chose an ordinary girl to be on the cover and not a famous person?
A. I have done this because most magazines will use famous people and if the public see a typical girl they will be able to relate to them.

Q. Do you think Bauer Media Group will be suitable as they are known for rock?
A. I do. If they're known for another genre then I have faith that they will be able to adapt to pop. They wouldn't be well known if they weren't good, this is why they will be able to easily transfer their skills.